Near and Far Album
I had so much fun making this album. A young lady that I work with is getting married this June (actually they got married in Las Vegas in December..hehe) and they are such a sweet couple to know. Nils is in the Army and is so far away, yet close enough for Elena to fly to see him on long weekends. We had her bridal shower recently and she is so not comfortable in large groups. So nice so see such sweetness. This album will give her something to documents special moments and keep for years to come.
I love this picture. It has such a statement if you really look at it. Near and Far...Coming and going... I am very proud of Nils and Elena. They have been apart and have never lost their love for each other. I wish them many blessings for their future.
Love playing with paints, embossing powders and bling. This paper line also fit right in with her colors.
Different picture sizes make for better attention getters, I think.
I kept the embellishments light so that they did not over power the importance of the story. There is a story about the back side of the ribbon on the left page. I tattle on myself later on.
Love Corrugated paper. You can do so many things with it but for this I kept it very simple. But I can tell you I really wanted to ink, paint and mess it up... a lot!
Journaling cards are so cute in this collection. I love the softness of this entire collection.
I used one of Martha Stewarts photo corner cutting tools. Folded them and then taped them in place. Now all Elena has to do is slip in the photo and if she wants to change it out or move it, she can.

The journaling cards are so sweet in this collection. I love the soft color that are in this entire collection.
Elena's bridal invitation made for a perfect subject on the canvas page. I also used
Petaloo's Color me Crazy Corner piece, coloring it to match her invitation.
Here is where I have to tattle on myself. I had cut the binder holes on the wrong side and having already put the paper and photo mat in place, I hid my boo boo by placing a nice big bow there. Now, tell me that you have never had to hide a
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